Prenatal Clinics is a product under the spectrum series. It is a collection of applications and soft wares designed for use in Prenatal /Obstetrics clinical practices.Prenatal has so many features and is easy to use and user friendly.FEATURES OF THE PRENATAL CLINICS APP
The Prenatal clinics app is designed to provide the following functions.1. Computes Expected Gestational Age for an index pregnancy2. Uses computed data results to generate information which is used in clinical assessment of the fetus.3. Outlines the result in a concise readable format for both the students and the doctors to understand.4. Calculates the appropriate Expected Date of Delivery for that pregnancy.5. Automates the appointment date for the mother’s antenatal visit to the clinic.6. Compute the approximated fetal Length and fetal weight for the calculated Gestational Age of the child .· This will help radiographers while radio-logical trying to determine the fetal GA using Fetal length and fetal weight respectively.
Information suppliedInformation provided to Prenatal Clinics are1. Mother’s Last Menstruation Period.2. Mother’s name (optional)
Information generated by Prenatal Clinics are; 1. Estimated weight for age in Kilogram.2. Percentage weight of expected weight.3. Nutritional status of the child4. Drug dose for age of the child5. Expected Immunization schedule and status for and of the child respectively6. Last menstrual period.7. Estimated Gestational Age of the Fetus.8. Expected date of delivery of the baby.9. Fetal viability10. Next visit Appointment11. Approximated fetal length12. Approximated fetal weight